A few lines about the Importance of an Ethical Culture

Our world has undergone many changes in the last decades: everything happens too quickly, especially in the field of technologies; thoughts are often imprisoned in short sentences, in a sort of
“tweet”; communication is often fragmented and there is a lot of misunderstanding.
This is because, in my opinion, technology has been developing independently from an ethical culture. Lack of good communication, together with lack of values, inevitably lead to conflict and war. However ethics and religion, as well, have often been used to oppress peoples, and in many countries in the world this is still the case. So let me explain what I mean by “good communication” and by “lack of values”.
Good communication should be correct, avoiding “fake news”, not instrumental and full of respect for those who receive our message. In order to be respectful we need the full knowledge of other cultures and the appreciation of them. This can be done in schools, primarily, and then by our writings and thoughts.
“Lack of values”: which ones? In a world which only bases its values on profit and look, the young think they have to become rich and beautiful to be accepted in society.
Here comes the contempt for everything that does not fall within the parameters, the old, the weak, the marginalized. The consequence is also a feeling of frustration and the spreading of bulimia, anorexia, bullying and other social diseases.
How can we prevent all this?
By increasing awareness of these issues, true, but not only. The study of Philosophy, Art and Literature can contribute. In many schools in several countries in the world technical subjects are preferred, leading to a pragmatic and rational worldview. It is important, however, to develop emotional intelligence, the one that comes from the heart, which allows us to “see beyond” Poetry and the Arts play an essential role.
It is necessary to develop a new form of humanism, based on the search for Beauty and Good, and the Divine, which lies in Nature and in every Man.

Isabella Sordi