Harinder Cheema

Need to restore the “Ethical Balance” in the Present Times.

The Loss of the “Moral Anchor ” in the “Present Times “!

Life in the present times is like sailing on a rough sea in a ship without an anchor.
The reckless modernization in the name of advancement is a sure walk towards the doom .
We are trying to build a “New World” on a foundation that is hollow. ” Evil ” in all its forms is being glorified and it is Satan , sitting on the pedestal , luring the people with temptations and weaning them away from ” Goodness” . I would like to elaborate on this point through my poem titled,

“Satan Is On The Prowl”

We are living in dangerous times
With the evil of war and heinous crimes
Caution we have thrown to the winds
Cruelty to animals is a cool thing
Crimes against women are on the rise
Crimeshows we enjoy with popcorn and french fries
And then we visit the Lord’s shrine
To wash off our sins in no time
The soul is like stale bread in a shiny foil
Spiritually we are irrigating barren soil
Oh! When will we learn our lessons?
The grave digger today is the busiest person
The pandemic was the Nature’s rage
Inspite of all the advancement this is a dark age
Bereft of spirituality Man is the wise owl
Beware people! The Gods are angry and
Satan is on the prowl .

It is unfortunate that the “Modern Age Man” has bartered his soul for carnal pleasures and material goods just like Christopher Marlowe’ s Dr. Faustus who had willingly moved away from Christ and had made friends with Mephistophilis and Satan .

I strongly urge the thinkers , philosophers, scholars and the right minded people to play a proactive role in the society to steer the times in the right direction by spreading light through positive Literature .
The Loss of the “Moral Anchor ” has made our “Ship” vulnerable and it is high time that we realised the fragility of this” Ship” that is bound to sink.
We are living in an age of ample opportunities and amenities but the big question that stares us in our face is that,
“Our We fortunate or otherwise”?

Let me sum up by sharing a poem that expresses the same sentiment:

Are we fortunate?

We are fortunate, people tell me
We are living in the twenty first century
We have advanced, we have progressed
We are living in a time which is the best
We have malls, we have theatres
We have multiplexes showing great pictures
We have computers, we have the internet
And we can go to the disco after the sunset
It’s a new age, it’s a new world
Of Kentucky fried chicken and MacDonald
We have money, we have power
Love we can buy or hire a lover
Listening to all this, I felt amused
And said my dear friends,” I fully agree with you
We surely are advancing all the time
Virtues and Values we have left behind
Like modern Napoleons we want to conquer more
Without realizing what lies in store
We will meet Napoleon’s fate too
If we don’t stop advancing towards the Waterloo.