Awarded Author children literary
President of Mil Mentes Por Mexico association International
World Ambassador of University of Ethics India


We need first transparency…
After peace,
Then justice,

If someone claims, that he is the Lord of the universe, we cannot have justice,
We cannot have solidarity,
We cannot have Peace.

A word that often used by individuals to gain money and power. This world is full of garbage.

We need to find the Light and Hope to continue in the correct path


I need to write a poem
A poem that will serve as peacekeeper
Between the God And Humanity
Between the brothers and sisters
Between my self and my mood

I need to find the verses
Be completely different from the past
And so new to fit in the present

Need to have one truth
Justified and accepted

Need to write a new story
A new book about the life

Every single day is a new discovery
People become evil
Failure earn in so many levels
And love is replaced with food

People are divided
Between those who love the food
Between those who love the humanity

Need to write a poem about the fear
And the dark

But many of stars are shining
So must not affraid of darkness.
But definitely need to re organize in our mind
what the unknown is like?

People are divided
Between those who love the food
Between those who love the humanity

Is so, difficult to think with the stomach full
People forgot to love and they become
Slaves of their stomach
Little servants of this great stomach
That cannot filtre anything

Poetry unites people
Poetry travels more fast than the unknown words, that remain unborn
In the mind of an author…

Need to write a poem
About the happiness
The smile of the childrens

The journey that never ends….

Who is the captain of the boat??

©®Eva Petropoulou Lianoy


We pay with our lives
Decision others they took

Because they are looking at their pockets
And not at the safety of the planet

Why a war is happening?
Always the same response
Nobody knows

Learn to talk
Learn to communicate
Learn to accept
Learn to respect

So rare in this planet
Since the existence of the humans
Quiet was a privilege for few

Be silent
Those are the rules for a bright future

No children will sleep
Without his parents tonight

For Angel’s protection
To everyone s house

©Eva Petropoulou Lianou